21 Tips for a 21 Year Old, from a 31 Year Old

  1. Drink responsibly. Under no circumstances is it okay to drink and drive. Have a plan before leaving the house and make sure someone you trust knows that plan. The buddy system is not outdated! 

  2. Wear what you want, you’ll be judged either way.

  3. Do not wait for a man. (or woman) if they love you they will show you, you will feel it, and you will know. Love does not hurt. 

  4. It’s okay to leave the relationship or friendship if you don’t feel like your best self around this person. 

  5. Get a journal and write in it! Process how you feel, check in with yourself during life's ups and downs. Writing is a good way to work through your problems, heal and learn about yourself.

  6. Stand up for what you believe in. It’s okay to have an opinion and it doesn't have to be the same as everyone else. 

  7. Study! You are going to need to pass the classes to graduate. Education is expensive and we’re building good habits for the future.

  8. Find a good buddy! Two heads are always better than one and solid support is priceless.

  9. Get organized. I’m still working on this one but i’m determined it’s a skill that can be mastered.

  10. You have enough clothes. Invest in a few staple items you love. Stop spending money on cheap fast fashion.

  11. Ask questions! This is the time to be curious about everything.

  12. Speaking of being curious… date people! It’s okay to part with your High school sweetheart, or date someone unexpected. 

  13. Learn to cook. Try new foods. Your taste buds are always changing.

  14. Invest in your health now! Drink lots of water and develop a skin care routine complete with sunscreen! Yes, black girls I’m looking at you too, we need sunscreen!

  15. Travel near and far.

  16. Explore where you’re from, city and state. You’ll be surprised by what you find.

  17. Say yes to new opportunities. Never been to Canada? Road Trip. Thinking about spinning or aerial yoga? Take the class! Learn a language. It’s not too late.

  18. Talk to your family often. Ask your grandparents about life when they were your age. Utilize your aunts and uncles. They know so much more than you think!

  19. All of your friends shouldn't look like you. Talk to people who are older and younger. We can all learn from each other.

  20. If you see someone sitting alone, it’s okay to say Hi. Befriend new people but keep your old friends too, they’re important.

  21. Take your time on choosing a career. You don’t have to know what you want to be when you grow up, yet. 

I’ve been reflecting a lot since turning thirty one. A decade ago if you’d asked me where I would be now this isn’t what I thought. Where I'm from, by their mid-20s most girls have a dream wedding planned and fantasize about playing house. I can hardly believe how much emphasis I placed on meeting the right person or setting myself up to live the perfect life. I wanted to have the perfect body, be the perfect student teacher, find the perfect man for me. Not only is perfect really hard to achieve, it just isn’t necessary. I had no idea life had so much more to offer. Spend less time worrying about when you’ll get the house, the car, the family and more about who you are in the meantime. 

If I could go back in time, I would invest in myself sooner. Every “no” you receive isn’t the end of the road and life happens the way it’s meant to. What’s meant for you won’t pass you by. Keep moving and life will be whatever you make it.


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