How to Have a Pandemic (Birthday) Party

Spoiler Alert: You’re the only one invited

Picture summer 2020. We were a few months into the pandemic and people were settling into stay at home orders. Folks began to embrace the “pandemic birthday.” The drive-by honk-a-thon and gift out the window became a thing. I didn’t think I’d be one of them myself, as a February baby. We were able to celebrate with people last year and I thought surely this would all be over before the occasion came around again. But I was wrong and realized I would have to plan a pandemic birthday. 

I needed to get away. I “stayed at home” for a year, working in my 1 bedroom apartment, my partner and I needed a break. It turns out the pandemic birthday isn’t all bad. 

Here are 3 tips to enjoy your day followed by how I spent mine.

This can be a stay-cation or weekend depending on the amount of time you have. 

  1. Book an AirBNB (bonus points if there’s a large soaking tub!) 

    From Atlanta, you could drive a couple of hours north to the mountains. Or if you’re up for a real road trip you could also reach Alabama, Florida or Louisiana in just 6-8 hours. The AirBNB choice was crucial to the need for a change of scenery. Pick something well designed that you’ll enjoy staying in. I chose a historic, plant filled house with space. After all, you’re going to be in the house so I hope you enjoy it. Still be mindful of local precautions by staying put and not congregating inside with people you don’t know. 

  2. Plan a New Experience  

    Do your research on where to eat and what to do before you get there! Many establishments aren’t open. I had a list of different restaurants to order take-out from as well as a few locations offering socially distanced entertainment. We were the only people at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art outside of a few employees. Yes, we were all masked. Check their website for safety measures in place and to purchase timed tickets. It was really fun to walk around the museum and take in the art without any other guests around.

  3. Just Relax

    I had a group facetime call with my family and it reminded me what it’s all about. Appreciating what I have and celebrating the person I am. I had a nice long bath and reflected on the decade. Where I’ve been, what I’ve accomplished and where I would like to see my future self. I ended the day with a list of ten things I love about myself and sat with gratitude. I’m ready for thirty-one!


21 Tips for a 21 Year Old, from a 31 Year Old